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Collin County Animal Services
Stray Animal Search


Name : "15071"
Sex    : Female
Age    : 2 Years, 9 Months 
Animal # : 1070115
Species   : Dog
Breed      : Australian Shepherd / Border Collie
Color     : tri colored
Marking : Roseland and Outer Loop/Celina/Haley
Neutered   : Unknown

Stray Animal Information

To Reclaim a lost/stray domestic animal (Dog, Cat or Ferret):
                          If you find your pet on this page, you need to come to the Shelter to confirm identification.
                          If your pet is a canine or feline, you must bring a rabies certificate or other proof of ownership.
                          You must have proof of current rabies vaccination for the animal, issued by a licensed veterinarian. Metal rabies tags are not sufficient proof of vaccination; only a written, paper certificate issued by a veterinarian is acceptable.
                          If the animal is not current on rabies vaccination, you must go to the veterinarian of your choice and pre-pay for a rabies vaccination. You must then submit proof that you have prepaid for a rabies vaccination for that animal. You must also present proof of the actual vaccination within 24 hours of the animal's release from the Shelter, or citations will be issued. No dog, cat or ferret will be released without proof of current rabies vaccination.
                          For fee and payment information, please see our main page: Collin County Animal Services Website

To Reclaim lost/stray livestock:
                          For fee and payment information, please see our main page: Collin County Animal Services Website

The Estray Notices are posted on the Collin County Website and at the Collin County Courthouse as required by State law. The Estray Notice will be posted within 1-business day from the date the Estray arrives at our facility located at 4750 Community Blvd., McKinney, Texas. The Notice will remain posted for 18-days before the Estray will be sold at auction.
    The owner of the Estray may recover possession of the Estray at any time before the Estray is sold at auction if:
    1. The owner has provided Collin County Animal Services (CCAS) with an affidavit of ownership;
    2. CCAS has approved the affidavit of ownership;
    3. The approved affidavit has been filed in the estray records of the county clerk;
    4. The owner pays CCAS all estray handling expenses;
    5. The owner has executed an affidavit of receipt; of estray under this section and has delivered it to CCAS; and
    6. CCAS has filed the affidavit of receipt of estray in the estray records of the county clerk.
The Sale Notices are posted on the Collin County Website and at the Collin County Courthouse as required by State Law. If the Estray is not redeemed before the 18th day after the date of impoundment, CCAS has title to the Estray and shall cause the Estray to be sold at a sheriff’s sale. The sale will take place at the Collin County Animal Services Building at 4750 Community Blvd., McKinney, Texas. The date and time of the sale will be posted on the county website.
Livestock for Sale---Not at Auction
CCAS will at times have livestock listed for sale on this site. These animals are those that we are not required by law to sell at auction or animals that did not sell at the auction. These animals will be sold to the individual that offers the best price.
If you have questions or need additional information, please call.

Collin County Animal Services    
4750 Community Blvd
Collin County Justice Complex
McKinney, TX 75071    
Phone: (972)-547-7292
Shelter Hours
  11:00 a.m - 6:00 p.m.   Tuesday - Friday
  11:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m.   Saturday & Sunday
  Mondays and Holidays, lost animal search by appointment only.
Animal Control
  9:00 a.m - 6:00 p.m., Tuesday - Friday (participating cities listed on county website) Dial 9-1-1 for Emergencies after-hours
If you have questions or need additional information, please call.

  • Adoption Search- These pets have exceeded their minimum holding period and are available now.
  • Stray Search     - These are our newest shelter arrivals, usually 7 days or less.

    If you are looking for your lost animal, please look through all of the search pages and then check back often.

    Please spay or neuter your animals

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